Publish Date 2023-12-05
VSL-Intrafor-FT : Autumn Grand Trip to North District for the Elderly: To enjoy a vegetarian meal from low-carbon lifestyle!

Coordinated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong (ELCSS-HK), the Autumn Grand Trip to the North District for the Elderly was held on 15 Nov 2023.

VSL-Intrafor-FT Volunteer Team spent half day with the Elderly from Kwu Tung, aged from 70-90 years old, living alone or with their spouses, at Wun Chuen Sin Kwoon for a vegetarian meal, walked around & then took photos. They as well as the volunteers enjoyed the day so much. Volunteer also distributed gifts with gift cards to them. Each card were written by one of our colleagues; one elderly asked me who  the volunteer was who wrote the card to him. Of course, I showed him the photo of the volunteer and he’ was so glad to see his face. Somebody might think that the card is not very meaningful, but for the elderly, it touched their hearts.🥰


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